15-16 November 2022, Bali, Indonesia

MISSILE ATTACK ON POLAND: When the news about a missile attack in Poland, a NATO member reached Bali, early in the morning of 16th November 2922, President Biden called a meeting of G7 and NATO members.
If the attack were by Russia, NATO would have had to respond and it could have triggered a world war. World War III would be between nuclear armed countries with trans-continental missiles, igniting a global Armageddon.
The Russian Foreign Minister clarified that the missile that landed in Poland was not a Russian one. It seems that it may have been accidentally fired from Ukraine. US President Joe Biden has said it is “unlikely” the missile was fired from Russia

Speaking at press conference at the summit, Mr. Sunak said the UK and its allies were still trying to “get to the bottom of what happened” and it was “right that we let that process conclude”
Thank God, the world has been saved from an unprecedented catastrophe by a whisker.