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Ontario Municipal Elections of October 24, 2022


On October 24, the citizens in Ontario are to elect the new Mayors and Councilors for their Municipalities. The Municipal Elections of October 24, 2022 are taking place after Ontario Bill 3 has been passed on 8th September 2022. The Bill converts the Weak-Mayor system in Canada to a Strong-Mayor system in Ottawa and Toronto. The Bill provides that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing may, by regulation, designate other municipalities to which the strong mayor system will apply. The Premier has declared that he wants the Strong Mayor system to be extended to other municipalities across Ontario.

 The objective of the Act is that the Municipalities should be able to solve more effectively the Housing shortage and Homelessness at the earliest. In general, the objective is that Municipalities should work, along with the Government of Ontario, to meet the objectives of State’s policies.

Now it is the duty of the citizens to select the best of candidates to run their local government.

It is true that the Prime Minister and the Premiers have more powers and resources at their disposal and they are seen everyday through the media. But most of the issues and needs of citizens are handled by the local governments and the decisions by the local government directly affect a citizen’s life.DigiNews360 invites the candidates and the citizens to send their ‘Idea of their City of Tomorrow’, in which they want to live and bring up their families. Please write to  myopinion@diginews360.com

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